It is a must for real estate agents to be a master in real estate relationship building if they are to succeed in their careers. The rapport agents establish with their clients is critical in successfully closing a real estate property deal, be it a sale or a purchase. 

Real estate agent relationships and ways to build or strengthen them, hence, take priority if you’re growing your presence in the real estate business. That said, here are six real estate agent tips as your guide in building relationships with potential and current clients. 

  • Be honest

The age-old saying “honesty is the best policy” is a basic guidepost for real estate agents’ relationship buildup with clients. Win the respect and trust of clients, and lay your cards on the table regarding your industry experience, market specialization, sales track record, and active listings. 

Bear in mind that clients weren’t born yesterday. They’re smart and are typically conducting background checks on real estate agents they’ve listed as their probable picks. Records in the real estate trade along with information on its players are now easily accessible on the Internet. So, it would be wise to be straightforward with your clients and be honest on all the information you feed to your current or prospective client.

  • Act as a Trusted Advisor and Resource

Show that you are more than a go-between in the selling/buying process. Add value to your services as a real estate agent by briefing your clients, leads, or prospects about current market trends. Impress them with your blog or newsletter articles about real estate developments. 

However, be sure to zero in only on those items of particular interest to their properties’ market segments. Skip any trade information which is irrelevant to your clients’ specific market interest. Doing this not only helps in building real estate agent relationships but also contribute to establishing yourself among the pros in the trade.

  • Stay in Constant Touch with Your Clients

A fundamental part of establishing real estate agent relationships with clients is communication. Buying or selling real estate property is typically a stressful exercise for the parties girding for a deal. Agents can significantly ease the stress by explaining to their clients the sales’ technical aspects and by updating them on developments. This exercise helps reassure your clients that you have everything in control.

At the outset, find out your clients’ preferred communication mode (by phone or email?) for your regular updates. Also, don’t neglect face-to-face meetings as the interaction on these occasions stand as opportunities for deeper and more meaningful real estate agent relationships with clients.

  • Reward Your Loyal Clients

Maintain ties with your clients after closing the property sale. That they tapped your services is a manifestation of their trust in you. This could eventually result in referrals or repeat business.

A simple thank-you letter may suffice. But you can also express your gratitude through some tokens, such as household decor appropriate for a home that a client purchased with your help. You can likewise reward your clients with reward program offers or exclusive discounts on future deals with them.

  • Follow Your Guarantee of Service

Always follow the realtors’ code of ethics in your area. Commit only on the things you are sure you can deliver, and don’t overpromise. This way, you keep your clients’ expectations realistic and your targets within actual reach.

Sure, you can go for that extra mile in the services you provide. But in so doing, you should be transparent and advise your client of any additional push you are making to facilitate a sale or purchase.

  • Think Much More about Your Clients

Consider your clients beyond the business opportunities that they bring. Many real estate agent relationships with clients, in fact, have graduated into long-time friendships because they get to know each other quite intimately during the home buying/selling process. 

From the very beginning that a lead or prospective client initiates contact with you, treat it as an opportunity to make a friend. Think beyond the possibility of doing business with this person and take note of common grounds by you can weave your own personal interests with him or her. The more areas of interest that you can share with potential clients, the higher your chances are of developing the ideal real estate agent relationships among buyers and sellers on the property market. 

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Boesel, Cindy. (2017, February 28). Building Relationships with Real Estate Clients.

Cooper, Terri M & Zeller, Dirk. (Accessed 2019, December 8). Success as a Real Estate Agent for Dummies Cheat Sheet (Australian/New Zealand Edition). 

Velasco, Dennis. (2017, December 22). 5 Tips on How to Become a Trusted Advisor in Real Estate Marketing Philippines.

Wintraub, Elizaeth. (2019, October 21). The Top Lies Told By Real Estate Agents.

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